
... making roses

... and botanical components, amongst other things kept me busy for most of yesterday. I wanted add some more sculptural pieces to the the collection I am taking with me to the Adelaide Craft and Quilt Fair .... trouble was, I didn't have any. So this the end result of a long and tedious day!
Tad dah!!!! Fresh from the kiln this morning! I am really pleased with the way they turned out. You can never really predict how successful a "sculptural session" at the torch will be until the next day when the pieces have cooled and you have plenty of time to examine each and every one of them!

Last week some goodies arrived in the post! A great score from the "garage sale" materialised into real live veiled cane; this bundle made up of variously coloured canes in serveral thicknesses. This is one of my favourite glass variety and I use it mainly in some of the bell flower earrings I make. Some much needed play time will have to wait for me till after next week. I can't wait ....

The last of the custom orders will be in the post today and on their way to their new owners. It's another big thing on "my list" to cross off but feel a little more relaxed that it's been ticked off.
The Adelaide countdown is now on ... so, If I don't catch you before then, I will post updates on my fb page. See you soon ~ Liz