
... collective creative canape

... Earlier this month I wrote briefly about a side game organised by Keri for those who missed out on Lori Anderson's #5 Bead soup blog party hop ... my partner is Keri herself and today my goodies arrived!
 You know when you connect with someone (on a higher plane) when the packing arrives and the outside wrapping is just as beautiful as the content it holds....
 ... beautiful handmade copper components made by Keri herself, along with matching findings and a complementing bead assortment in colours that are perfect for me. Our group's reveal day is April 1st - so I'm going to have to get busy and come up with something exciting! Thank you Keri - getting this package today just made my day!
Today was another rewarding day in the studio - relaxed but productive at the same time. I made some silver beads with some 2nd's I'd bought on the cheap ... nothing inferior about the quality of this glass - just wish I'd dragged it off the shelf a little earlier!  
... and finally today, there was a little bit of time to put together some earrings for a customer who missed out on the ones that sold super fast on the estore over the weekend. I hope to have a few more pieces loaded by the end of the week, so don't forget to drop by and have a look!  Talk soon - Liz x

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