
... nom nom nom

.... delicious but it's enough to make you foam at the mouth!

Apart from glass, soap is another one of my obsessive/compulsive habitual buys! My postie just delivered some Marseilles goodness - and my studio smells divine! My girlfriend Colette who now lives there, took us on a tour of her favourite places - 72% Petanque was one of them! This gorgeous, little boutique store was tucked away in a side street, not far from the city centre. You will however, have to make your own way to Marseilles if you want to check it out in person. A cheaper, more convenient way is to click here. Thank you Colette for the lovely goodies that arrived today

The continuous wet Brisbane weather has kept us indoors for most of December. I see this as a self imposed exile from the rest of the world... but in reality, it has given me uninterrupted time to sort out the studio and get some paperwork sorted.

The new shopping cart (which will replace my etsy store) on my website is almost complete and ready to show off new goodies. The January newsletter will announce more details and "opening store" promos. In the meantime, if you live in Queensland, stay safe and dry.
Ciao for now - Liz x


Stamped Elements said...

Those beads are absolutely delish Liz!

Libby Leuchtman said...

Sweet beads Liz!

Sandrine said...

I am glad you can see the positive out of this weather Liz!! :)Maybe I need a crash course :)
Gorgeous "savons" here!!Enjoy :) x