
... more of the same

... but different! Yesterday I posted a photo of the beads I had made as part of a forum challenge. Today, I'm showing more of the same style of beads.

Yep, that makes me slightly obsessive/compulsive! Or is it just me being particular and precise about dot placement and colour combination's? Not too sure but i like the results, none-the-less!

Over the weekend i signed up to take part in a bead soup party. Sounds like lots of fun, doesn't it? To be honest with you, the thought of organising one of these events myself has often crossed my mind, but for the time being I am more than happy to be a player! (2011 resolution #3)

Lori Anderson is the very brave soul who is hosting this event that so far has attracted lots and lots of interest. I am sign-up #143 and cannot wait to play! Lori has a few blogs on the go - all of which have made very interesting reading over the past day or so. Head over to her blog to read up on "how to host your own bead soup party".... happy reading, Liz x


Loretta said...

Just stopping by to say hi as one of the Bead soup blog party member. Love your beads!

Pretty Things said...

OMG I want those beads!!!!

Libby Leuchtman said...

I am so glad you are doing this! Wish you lived closer.
Can't wait to see what you make with your Bead Soup.

Creative Arty Facts said...

Thx ladies for your lovely comments and for adding yourself as a follower. Lori - I often go back and revisit simple basis techniques: these were some of them and totally mesmerizing to make!

@Libby - would love to be anywhere other than wet and wild Brisbane just now ... a little closer to you would be nice!

Karyn said...

Hi Liz...nice to see I have been partnered up with someone local... couldn't get any closer than Brisbane!

I can't wait to get the party started!!
