
.... home again

... after being away from home for the past few weeks, and it sure feels good to be amongst my stuff, mess, glass, findings and family. I really have missed my boys and have promised not to leave home again (well, not for the rest of the year at least!)

... the Canberra Glassworks and home away from home

Today I'm going to sort thru all my bits and pieces from my time away. New work in progress (scattered from one end of the studio to the other),new style beads to digest and contemplate and photos to sort and upload onto this blog and my on-line journal.

It was a little hard to keep up to date with all that was going on so I'm going to add to it over the next few days ~ so make sure you come back and check from time to time.

... spent some time with friends in the country!

... explored new styles, designs and concepts

... play time with new friends

My monthly newsletter is also a little late and will be out by the weekend. If you are signed up for my felted flower workshops either tonight or on the weekend at Mad Monnie's, I look forward to seeing there. Cheers, Liz x

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