
... the big wet

... that has been part of our daily routine in Brisbane for the past 3 weeks has kept us all indoors when we really should have been outside, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Instead, we are all suffering re-occurring bouts of cabin fever, all of which are highly contagious!

... chief rose cane cutter and quality controller

Good things have come of this - I am slowly grooming #2 son to be my studio monkey. The results are pretty good so far (when I can catch him that is!) and he has been a great help over the past few weeks when gallery orders and private commissions have kept me busy.

My long awaited copy of Handmade Living arrived on Friday morning. There was no fan fair, nothing! I just opened my studio door and there it was, sitting on the delivery table.

... and here is my work, gracing page 82! I am thrilled to see my work in print and nestling amongst pages and pages of beautifully hand made objects! There have been a series of book launches to celebrate the arrival of this publication - one more is in the making!

Some time in the latter part of January, you will be able to come down to TLC Bookstore in Manly, check out the book in person and have some quality "you time". More details regarding times and dates as soon as they become available.
Enjoy the week ~ happy Christmas shopping if you are brave enough to tackle the shops. Liz x

1 comment:

Libby Leuchtman said...

Congrats on being in the book!It is so much fun to see your work in print.
Have a wonderful holiday.