
... bead central

... is pretty much the state of my entire house at the moment! Oh, and did I forget to mention that "panic stations" are the order of the day? I am getting ready for the craft and quilt fair in Melbourne in a few days but I wanted to show off some new beads I made last week.

... bone beads making their way to WA

... luscious transparent reds, special purple rose and silvered threads

... more of the same but slightly different!

We celebrated more birthdays this week with both our boys clocking up another year on their personal calendars. This week also marks one year since I travelled to the US to attend the ISGB Gathering. My how time flies! I wishing I could be in Louisville this year to meet up with fellow friends and bead makers who are now probably arriving as I type. Have lots of fun girls!
Have a fabulous week everyone - talk again just before we head down south!

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